Public Relations

Public Relations is a tool that is used to reach out to a much larger audience in an organic way. PR narrates your brand story to the masses and helps them connect at a deeper level. These results in better brand recall and brand loyalty.


Media Relations

The key to the successful implementation of a PR strategy lies in media relations. At PR365 we share a warm and deep connection with media professionals and media houses across platforms. We have an in-depth understanding of the Indian media landscape.


Content Management

PR is all about conveying the vision of the brand effectively to the masses. We have experts on board with journalistic backgrounds, who create engaging content.


Media Coverage

Our professionals work tirelessly to generate media coverage through press releases, industry stories, spokesperson profiling, etc. We understand the kind of media vehicle that should be adopted, to spread the message widely.


Crisis Communication

In the changing world and with the presence of social media, crisis can erupt any time. Our Digital Media and PR team are fully equipped in handling any kind of crisis.

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